Ohayocon 4

The trip to this convention started out much like any other, several hours behind schedual. The only difference, this time my Camera's broken. So we make our way to Columbus Ohio, home of many one way streets, and poor mapquest directions. around 5pm we finally arrive at the convention center, and much like other conventions, I have to wait for my pass. Ohayocon staff seemed to have things a bit more togeather than other cons though, and I had my badge in only a half hour (unlike the 1-2 hours of other cons). Before long I find myself wandering the convention center, and it is truly a beutiful place to hold a convention. There were 4 hotels connected to the con by enclosed walkways, provideing easy access between rooms and convention center. It also had a large food court just at the edge of the con its' self and easy routes between all events. The only probelem was solved on saterday, Artists alley. Someone decided it was a good idea to put all the artists alley tables downstairs in the most remote location of the con, where the only major event nearby was the art show, However this was corrected on Saterday as the tables were brought upstairs and the artists were much happyer.
One oddity this convention had was its lack of a con suite, it did however have a very well stocked and very nice Green room for the Guests.

Saterday held the most important event of any convention, the Cos-play. Dispite a few minor techical difficultys, and a few poor skits, the cos-play was one of the best I've ever attended, only being topped by the prior 2 years at Ohayocon, If nothing else the staff of this convention can consistently put on a wonderful show, regardless of other circumstances.
Other events that were well done include the two gameshows held durring the con, Anime name that tune, and Anime family feud. both were a riot and I hope to see the staff of these events again at other cons (it's my understanding that they perform shows at several conventions). The dealers room was well stocked by a wide variety of dealers, and from the looks of things Ohayocon won't have any problems getting more dealers for next year, seeing as several dealers couldn't even fit in the room and were at artist alley tables. It nwas also refershing to see that new anime was being played here, this is one of the few good conventions that haven't sold out to the industry, and it is my hope that it remains such.

My overall opinion of this convention is that dispite the horror that is Columbus, this Convention is a Must for anyone who conciders themself a true Anime Fan.
