
We begin our trip to this convention in much the same manner as any other, but this time only 2 hours behind schedule. After spending 5 hours crossing the wide state of Ohio, we finally cross into Pennsylvania, and within minutes we are at the Pittsburg Mariot North, a Hotel strikingly familiar to the one Sugoicon is held in. This convention offers a small variety of choices after the quick check in (no line), so I decide to inspect Artists alley.

Very well placed, the Artists alley is located at the center of the convention, no matter where you go here, you must pass by the artists.
Next on the Agenda is the dealers’ room.

The Dealers room is 'cozy', basically small and packed full of stuff. However despite the lack of space a good variety of dealers are here, making for your standard run of merchandise.
I was then off to see what else the con had to offer. In my travels I discovered that Tekkoshocon only had two video rooms, they were playing some of the best in anime there, but only two rooms worth. Other sites included the two videogame rooms, a tournament room, a RPG room, one panel room, and a single workshop room. All in all, a good variety, but short on quantity. This seemed to work to their advantage however as this is one of the most relaxing cons I’ve been to in a long time. There was no feeling of needing to be in 3 places at once like there is at many cons, while still providing good quality things to do with my time. Before I knew it, it was,

Saturday: As we all know the most popular event of any con is held on Saturday, the Cosplay contest. With only 15 entries the Cosplay reflected the rest of the con, what it lacked in quantity, it made up for in quality... mostly.
As you may know, I always pick my personal 'Best' and 'Worst' from the Cosplay. The judges seem to have agreed with my 'Worst' choice as they received no awards, However I wish to know what they were smoking when they picked the 'Best of show' as I have picked four 'Best' Cosplays, and none of them are the 'Best of show'.

First up, is 'Trouble is Southtown' the first skit of the night had the audience rolling in the aisles, and had I been a Judge, would have been my choice for 'Best of show'.
The next three are all Individual Cosplays, 'Cid', 'Card captor Will', and 'No-one remembers the NPCs'.

All were hilarious acts, cut short by the cons odd rules on time limits. You only had a number of minutes equal to the people in your skit, up to three.
As for the Worst Cosplay of the con...

Nothing says 'I shouldn't be a Cosplayer" quite like foulmouthed rapping ninjas. It would have been one thing if they were actually speaking themselves, or maybe if their choreography wasn't 2 seconds off the whole time. But they didn't, and it was. Fortunately this was the only Cosplay that wasn't at least mildly amusing. Even the self titled 'Worst skit ever' was better, and they didn't have costumes.
The skits are over far to quickly, and as the Judges go to make their decisions, who should show up but 'Otaku Duet'.

There seemed to be something missing from Otaku Duets act:
As I sat in the resounding silence after Otaku Duet stunk the place up, I considered calling in a Haz-Mat team to clean up after them. This proved unnecessary however as the audience heckled the MC into dancing for us and soon Otaku Duet was as forgotten as they could be. By the time the song ended the MC was saved by the return of the judges. A few awards later and the Cosplay made way for the Dance.

The dances skilled DJ delivered a set to be expected at every decent Anime con, and the fans rejoiced as their favorite anime music was remixed for dancing.

Sunday: The final day of the Con was surprisingly short, with closing ceremonies at 1PM it seemed like the day was over before it truly began. However this did make it convenient for hotel check out.

My final summation of this con is that if you are looking for a nice relaxing convention, where you can do the things you like and not be rushed through them, then this is the Con for you. If not, find a con closer to home.
